“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

- 2 Corinthians 9:6-7


Triumph of Grace Ministries is very thankful for your unwavering support. We are intentional and passionate about giving a helping hand to all in need. We are committed to giving to the less fortunate and we would love and appreciate your support with donations to expand our work to be a blessing in the UK and places across the world.

A heart impelled by grace, gives joyfully. As children of God we are already blessed in Christ. However, we also determine the measure of our reward through giving. God looks at our heart and if we are willing to obey Him in supporting others rather than living a self-centred life we will garner a blessing that is directly related to our giving. We have been given the ability to make the choice of how much or little we will give and reap. (2 Cor. 9:6)

We are confident that as you give, “…. You will be enriched in every way so that you may be generous, and this [generosity, administered] through us is producing thanksgiving to God [from those who benefit]. So two good things will result from this ministry of giving-the needs of  the believers in Jerusalem [Greek: God’s holy people] will be met and they will joyfully express their thanks to God.”  (2 Corinthians 9:11-12)


If you are led to give to the work of God please feel free to pay to our Charity account for UK and International donations.

You can give by Standing Order or BACS (Banks Automated Clearing System) and our bank details are provided below.  If you are happy to, you are welcome to consider increasing the value of what you give at no extra cost to you, by Gift Aiding your donation - see below in Gift Aid section for more information.

Triumph of Grace Ministries

Account Details are: 👇

Bank: Lloyds Bank.

Branch: Lewisham (309089) | London, UK

Sort code: 30-90-89

Account Number: 57 74 27 60


IBAN: GB66 LOYD 3090 8957 7427 60

Triumph of Grace Ministries is a registered partner with Amazon's Charity Organisation programme on ‘Amazon Smile’

We use all donations and support for fundraising to give back to deprived communities. Donations will help with our resource allocation for Christian & educational materials, supplies, clothes, food & nursing equipment for those in need.

We kindly invite you to Support Us as you shop on Amazon Smile with the link below.

When you click the link, type in ‘Triumph of Grace Ministries’ to give as you shop.

May God bless you all as you give!

What is UK Gift Aid?

Gift Aid allows charities to reclaim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate.  Gift Aid is an income tax relief designed to help charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs. If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid increases the value of your charity donations by 25% because the charity is able to reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift/donation at no extra cost to you.


How does Gift Aid work?

The process is simple; all you need to do is fill out a Gift Aid Declaration form. This is a statement from you to the charity confirming that you want to donate through Gift Aid and receive tax relief back on your donation. Charities don’t pay tax on most types of income, which is why the tax paid on financial gifts to charity can be claimed back.

Your donations won’t qualify for Gift Aid if they are more than four times what you’ve paid in tax that tax year. If you stop paying enough tax at any point, you must let the charity you’re donating to know.

Am I eligible for Gift Aid?

For a charity to claim Gift Aid on your donation you must first have paid UK Income or Capital Gains Tax that financial year. The tax you pay must be equivalent to the amount of Gift Aid the charity will reclaim on your donation that tax year, (and will be claimed by other charities and CASCs). VAT and Council Tax do not meet this criteria.

From April 2021, the income tax personal allowance has increased to £12,570 for individuals born after 5 April 1948. If your income is below £12,570, you will no longer be able to claim Gift Aid on eligible donations.

It’s vital to note that you can’t make donations on behalf of someone else or a company.

What if I pay higher rate tax?

If you’re a higher rate taxpayer, you can claim additional tax benefits for the donations you make to charity, which you can keep or pass on to a charitable organisation. Simply indicate how much you’ve donated when completing your tax self-assessment form.

Find out more about Gift Aid from HMRC

What is a Gift Aid declaration?

It is simply a statement by an individual taxpayer that they want a charity to get back from the Inland Revenue the tax paid on their donation. This is a great way to add 28* per cent to the value of your gift to us without it costing you a penny more!

Gift Aid Declaration Forms

Increase the value of your donation through Gift Aid by completing a Gift Aid Declaration Form.

Choose the single donation form if you intend to donate and declare a single donation OR choose a multiple donation form if you intend to donate more than once throughout the year and prefer to declare a total donation amount based on multiple donations you have made to Triumph of Grace Ministries.


Donating through Gift Aid to Triumph of Grace Ministries is hassle-free:

  • ·    You only have to fill out a Gift Aid Declaration form once

  • ·    Gift Aid will then be added to every donation

  • ·    You can cancel your declaration at any time in writing

Should you require any further information or wish to set up a standing order, please contact us on T: 01622 951295 or by email at:

Completed Declaration forms should be scanned and sent to us by email.

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